November 24, 2009

Pushing, Hitting, and Biting: Oh My!

As par for the course, it's been a couple of months so we figure it's time to write down the twins' latest shenanigans. They are interacting more lately, though not always in the "aren't twins cute" genre. Alexis no longer bites JJ (at least, she doesn't seem to be using JJ as her own personal teething ring anymore), but JJ has now learned how to utilize his own jaw in aggression... they also seem to hit each other and shove each other much more now, and it appears that they're doing this all in "fun." When we say "no hitting", "no pushing", "no biting", they'll turn to us and do the offending action to themselves and repeat, "no no".

As a result, time-outs seem to be a plenty around our house--and we definitely think they're effective--if only for a few minutes post time-out. But they do remember what they're not supposed to do (touch the tv, turn on the washer/dryer, hit, etc.) and when they go to do said offenses, they'll look around to see if we're watching. If we are, then they're more likely to commit whatever crime they're contemplating and, of course, say "no no" while they're doing it. But they hate time-outs, so slowly they seem to be understanding consequences. One day they'll be contributing citizens of society... One day.

At the same time they are increasing their aggression toward each other, they are simultaneously becoming more affectionate with each other. We often go for walks around the neighborhood sans stroller, and now they will hold hands while walking, and give each other big hugs while playing, and even the rather gross open-mouth toddler kiss. They also always ask about the other if they're apart, but they both call each other JJ. I guess "Alexis" is too hard to pronounce. We try to spend some one-on-one time with them occasionally (by taking just one to the grocery store or to run errands while the other one stays at home), and both Mike and I love this time--and we can tell that JJ and Alexis do too... but they always ask for each other and get so excited when we're all back together again.

There also seems to be a bit more rivalry developing. They're constantly watching each other and trying to do what the other is doing (like dancing, jumping, climbing, etc.). Even when it comes to being injured. If one falls down and bumps their head, the other one ever so gently lowers themselves down and "bonks" their head on the ground followed by the fakest cry ever. We just roll our eyes.

We traveled a lot over the last couple of months: We went to San Francisco to visit my family, stayed with my Aunt Karen and her gracious husband Doyle, drove over to Sacramento to see my uncle Roger and his now grown kids (and some of their kids) and most importantly introduced JJ and Alexis to their great-grandmother Crown and Aunt Patti. They don't fly as well now since they can fight sleep much better than even just a couple of months ago, but overall we survived. We spent 4 days in California and loved the time with our family and even got to do a little hiking. Alexis and JJ didn't sleep much since we were always doing something during naptimes and late into the evening, but we enjoyed the "recovery" at home: for the first four days after we got back to Texas, they took 5 hour naps! If toddlers slept 5 hours in the middle of the day, parents everywhere would have a whole different outlook.

We also took a trip to Utah at the end of September, a trip we always enjoy. My sister Christina flew out to spend the weekend with us, and flew back with Alexis while I took JJ. Mike then joined us mid-week and joined us on a trip to the zoo and up the mountains. We have two more trips this year: one to the outer banks to be with Mike's family for thankgiving and one more trip to Utah for thanksgiving. Then we'll have to start paying for extra seats, so our trips will likely decrease somewhat.

Halloween this year was a lot of fun, we dressed up as a "bad" family in jailbird outfits with corresponding "mug shot" signs that read "bad twin A" bad twin B" "bad mommy" and "bad daddy". We thought it was appropriate.

In other news, we also moved. Unfortunately, not out of Texas yet, but literally just down the street. We found a house we really liked and since the market was good, we decided to buy. We didn't have our current house even on the market yet, but we figured we could try to rent it. Luckily, we found a renter right away and had about 3 weeks to move. Since it was just down the street, Mike had the brilliant (and frugal) idea to move ourselves by borrowing his brothers pick-up truck. So we swapped cars a couple days after we closed on the house and after about 50 loads we were finally moved in. We really like the new house... it's not much bigger than our former home, but it has a great yard and a nice view. We plan on putting a pool in eventually (which was really the impetus for our move), but now realize we'll have a to wait a year or two for that dream... Because life threw us a curve ball and we're now expecting #3 in June.


Tim said...

Congratulations on the expected #3! Do drop a line if you happen to have extra time while in Utah...

Schyla and Joe said...

How come no one ever tells us anything! Congrats I am sure J.J. and Alexis will make a wonderful big brother and sister.

sara said...

Congratulations on number 3! It is so fun to read about the twin's antics since I have no experience with twins whatsoever. It must be so fun to watch them interact. Take care!